Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Action calls for Now...
Rise up, Rise now,
Speak up , Speak now!
Pause your fears , for now...
For Action calls for Now, act now...
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
SPRKS IN CSF: Lone mouse
Lone mouse
The lone mouse skitted into the hall,
Sprayed his odors and veered to the right ,
Turned on his head and took a spin,
Into the little box he turned,
Glowing cheese beckoned , even when he couldn't ,
Not another morsel said his head,
But he spun to the cheese, greed knows no bounds,
Not that you see things while standing like a top,
Spinning to the cheese globe he went ,
His fat gut pressed against the walls,
Stuck in its imprisoned walls,
Trapped by greed , the lone mouse glares ,
His red eyes stare , hope into submission may be...
Yet the greed spills soon, green spewed on the marble floors...
Poem by Pc-3 (02/24/2025)
Saturday, February 22, 2025
SPRKS IN CSF: What next?
What next?
Every moment is swollen, pregnant with the potential of what comes after... a big question of each present moment is , "what next". Yet the stirring of uncertainty is its own next ploy, that's how the stirrer of mists and mirrors function , they do it all in the spirit of gas lighting .
But we all have to remember when faced with the swirling gas lights what Hannah Arendt said, "No body has the right to obey".
We really have to remember that it is our duty to "not obey" as these dictums directed us is in contradiction to what is right. The internal ethical guide directs us to oppose when a rule or directive is an effort to subjugate all ethical reason. Hence every body has that right to 'not obey' a directive ,when it is just plain wrong .
So what next ...hear what your soul says , listen to that conscience and do what is right, what is just .
It takes a bit of effort than to just float along , but it is all well worth that effort.
by Pc-3(02/21/2025)
Sunday, February 16, 2025
SPRKS IN CSF: Time to act- it is NOW
Time to act- it is NOW
I watch the evolving circus that is all about creation of wealth for some and suffering for others. The average person did not come into this world any where they happened upon by their choosing, such as the place they landed at, the circumstance they happened into ...none of it is by their choice but by mere chance conglomeration of events called birth, or the life events that led them to be that "average person" .
The financial dispositions available to them , being thrown away by those who gloat in their own powers, be it monitory power or just other forms of controlling powers, I think are not able to fathom the life and thoughts of the average person , hence they are trying squeeze further and further in their need for control, in their greed for power , yet they have forgotten one little detail- from the time when humanity came into existence onwards he power balances have shifted periodically and the average person acted and re-set the balance . There were times of struggles, not easy times for the average person and all others , yet it shifted things and made the re-sets into being.
Now is the time to act for the average person like me and all other average persons. There is might in the collective and when the need for protests come up , as now , it is time to collectively protest. The shift has to happen before the rot settles any further , it is for upholding the right to question ethical violations, the right to have the freedoms , freedom of speech ,freedom to have an honest living , even when the powers be want to undo all the freedoms . This is the time to act , through the democratic processes, through our protests along with all and any legal recourses that can be done. .
It is the time to look within ourselves and stand with Democracy, Over and above everything, this is the time to march together , to protest in unison...Yes it is time to act Now...
Peace crane 3(02/15/25)
SPRKS IN CSF: SPRKS IN CSF: The Day after tomorrow
Friday, February 7, 2025
SPRKS IN CSF: It's so beutiflu, so great
Thursday, February 6, 2025
It's so beutiflu, so great
Its like magic, few scribbles, no language ,
No need for words , when its all shiny and smart,
I say, therefor it is , as it really is , so great...
No more diseases, If you don't see, then isn't it beautiflu indeed..
Words and plans ,never smart,
Louder, shinier , behold such beauty, in Mica and muscovite,
Such beauty , big and beautiflu,
With such beautiflu ,why educate...
Such smart no needs , no illnesses, no need for any checks,
Food, water , air , all just like a day , like ozone gaps...
Sunrise and sunsets , so great, indeed it can be better too,
All so great, with greatness no queries need be there,
It is all magical Mica, Its so beautiflu, oh so great as never before ...
Oh so great, oh so beautiflu...
Poem by PC-3 (02/05/2025)
SPRKS IN CSF: How to deal with some - at times
How to deal with some - at times
I am not sure I am the one to opine on the matter, but I see all around me people going about like zombies , fear seeping out of their staring eyes.
What I have surmised is very limited, but so far in the many encounters with Bullies, I have seen them wither when there comes some unlikely resistance. For example try it sometime and see them wither . I guess they like to sound big and tough but inside they are uncertain , especially due to their lack of any speck of honor or integrity.
Think of a narcissist, they like to be applauded for everything . Hence when they bully and encounter resistance of being scrutinized by the public instead of being adored , they withdraw . That's when the gaslighting starts in earnest ... from that inherent need for applause.
Some times the sycophants' provide that applause , but still the worst for them of course is public scrutiny, and not being considered powerful or great by the others...
Now it is time to push back against the bullies , not to be afraid, not to cower , nor to be taken by the lies or dazzle flashed before you .
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
This shadow follows me everywhere,
I see it extend from my feet , twist and turn,
With every turn I make...
I fear this shadow , fear its intention,
Fear it is stalking me , quietly ,
Readying to pounce on me ,
Planning to devour me , is it joining,
Joining with all those wispy shadows,
I fear this shadow, I fear its not really mine ,
Not the one I knew...
This land stretches dry, devoid , its air rank ,
Has it poisoned my shadow too,
Just like those wisps that float by,
Wisps of some conscience shredded of its substance ...
Poem by Pc-3 (02/03/2025)
Sunday, February 2, 2025
In these past few days of sowed chaos (Kaos) despondency and withdrawing from the day is an automatic response for us humans.
Then, you realize.... succumbing to a bully is not an option for LIFE.
You vaguely remember some terms, such as 'pen down strike'. Even with the 'almost all fake , non fact checked world' you look up the term and realize these were real modes of non violent resistance . There is 'pen down strike, work to rule strike , non spending strike' etc.
The 'non spending strike' appeals to me , something I can do...or at least try to. My own option is possibly just a dream but I know I will get better at it the more I try. I hope it will put a lighter carbon foot print on the earth, however small it is it matters. I know I will be able to stick with it , buying only what I really need... not all those wants that seep in, dancing into the corners of our minds , drawing us in, just to boost the cash flow for the already cash swollen companies and industries that thrive just on their cancerous greed , especially now fed by a bully that loves his twirl of chaos and all the attention these twirls bring him. I some times wonder if they will all twirl out of this earth's gravity , especially at the ever increasing speed of these twirls.
Any way I shall try it , starting today as I look at the sun starting its journey in the East, as it did even before any of us came into the random places on earth that we happened upon . When the day again wears me down( as I expect for all of the near future days) I shall focus on the earth's gravity and the sun that will rise again.
I may have had an urge to remain muted , but I decided that I have to speak and act. I cannot go against what I am or how am , its in my genes to speak and act against injustice . One of my earliest memory was that , so how can be quiet at this time of multiplied injustices that I see surround me here and farther away, the cancerous insidious infiltration of the injustices into everything all over .
All of us can do some things to RESIST , its just each person have to look deep within their souls to see this and the ways to do it. It means think , it means don't get fooled by vacuous words floated to you , it means a liar will remain a liar , a bully will always be one ,even when the shimmer around their acts change, it means every one can definitely find their own ways including "work to rule strike, spend less strike , do not resign strike etc. and other nonviolent ways to continue to resist that will have the collective effect. The sun rise each day brings hope with its slanting rays to this earth, hence let's get those rays of hope and Resist...
by Pc-3 (02/01/2025)
Sunday, January 19, 2025
SPRKS IN CSF: In the spirit of Ethics and doing what is right
In the spirit of Ethics and doing what is right
This is a letter to the next generation, was pointedly to those who were carriers of my genetics in their DNA, but the present time calls for it for to be for a wider audience ...for it to be seen , to be understood and deciphered by more ...
I have to advice you all not to loose heart, despite the much feared event-a Kaos presidency.
You are all blessed with wisdom that life gives.. the values of moderation- if you feel you lack it, do cultivate it , grow it and nurture it and it will take root and grow and become part of you.You have gone past the rigors of an education system that advises you to think , while abhorring your questioning and thinking minds...
You have managed to get into the adult world, where nothing is fair, yet with your determined souls you have made each of your environments a little bit more fairer for all.
You have witnessed the closet racism, overt racism, veiled aggressions, the bigotry, and even the master mentality of people you have encountered . At times you re-call those few occasions and yet have risen above it all. So with these experiences have come wisdom. It may seem like desperate times, but now is not the time to despair. This is the time for thought as well as action and there is much work to do.
THINK , because thought is not controlled by any, besides it allows you to bounce various ideas, stretch and contract things in your mind without any restraint. Out of these thoughts is where actions are born, and clarity.
You may be quiet, which is alien to the majority in this nation, may be even to the vast world , especially because the process of contemplation and thought are somewhat alien here as well( just as it is all around in this world among the humans).
Hence we have this new president((not surprising ..)
You have experienced many a conflict...conflicts of identity, ideals and the external conflicts of power that is inherent in every community, including its smallest unit- the family and the individual...
It gives me great hope for the future as you all manage your lives, I am sure you will negotiate change, including your efforts to change policy, even beyond your areas of expertise into the outer world far beyond your comfortable niches.
You will also learn much about adaptability and creating change without loosing your inner selves, as I did over time. So did the past generations before us, as history proves to us .
So my advice to you all- make the change, just as the gentle waves do, but be assured that your efforts will produce change. The tsunamis may have usurped the beaches, but the gentle waves persist and round out the jagged edges, where they break...
So go forth with clarity and the efforts that persist , joining forces with the many moderates out there just like you, ones with clarity and goodness in their souls, who strive for change, in the midst of a mindless robotic prattling lot and the many that have destruction and hate within them...
If with the clarity in your minds, you need swiftness of action, or persistence, do not give up...
Sunday, December 22, 2024
To honor thee, your actions they do ,
Your greatness in your actions ,
Made it bright for a moment ,maybe
Amidst the daily grim realities , in the rising dust ...
Now to rest among the stars ,with Reem again ...
We , honor thee, with small compassionate act, we try,
Yet we fail , as despair grips our daily grinds,
Shall strive to do it again tomorrow , each day again...
poem by (Pc-3 -12/21/24)
Monday, December 16, 2024
Our Souls
I read Margaret Renid's opinion ...how to keep your own soul safe in the dark. I had decided to stop writing alittle while back, but it spurred me to again write. My thoughts are simplified at this point, 'what good can be had if I do not write , to not spill some bits of my soul's questions on to a page , what good will it be...to have my thoughts to be kept locked up in a box , which will only burden and weigh down my soul...
It is good to feel part of a silent group , to keep hope alive 'that good people working together will bring about changes for the better' .I had consciously turned off all media for a while , esp the news cycles that just repeats and talks at you , may be they like to hear their own voices, I am not so sure though...
I want to retain my hope . I see a blue jay in the yard picking up some 'bug whose time is come', as my mother would have said to the little child in me .There is hope in natures every moment, nothing is inconsequential in nature
I vacillate between the child who wish for the security of the known everyday of a past , with no harm to any living or non living things here on earth and the adult me who take change as a given , change being a definite requirement for nature.
Therein lies my dormant hope despite the fear for health of the public with vaccine deniers at the helm and the fear for an unravelling destroyed nature by climate deniers and greedy businesses. But the little child's hope in me that used to marvel at the vastness of the universe by looking up at the night sky now look at the night sky that hide all the stars and the great milkyway in the light pollution from this earth and still wish nature will reset itself beyond the un-caring puny humans around me . When I look up in the sky and see the stars I know nature will take over and I just hope that it will be soon . In the meantime , I shall continue with the little things I do... try to leave a smaller carbon foot print -yes I know it takes effort, but I can put a little extra effort to leave this place less damaged than if I didn't care .
As I look around my neighborhood , I know I am doing what is right by my soul , and even if I am the only one around here I have to continue for I have to keep my soul's light alive deep inside me in these dark times ...
(By PC-3 - 12/15/2024)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: Thanks giving
Thanks giving
The days are warming, warning, drying ,
Embers catch on dry leaves and come alive ,
Orange wisps under the grey sky ,
Darkened days ,here orange flames leaps to the heavens ,
The dry land's curse ,its memory, of yesterdays
Green vines with orange pumpkins,
Rambling free hither and thither ,
All a dream, withered land sighs ...
Pumpkin pies just a fantasy,
From a land long dead , no drops here to awaken ,
Crusted salt at its edges,
The land is no more ,just wisps of smoke
And the parched land sighs ,
Those wisps its thanks to the universe...
Poem by PC-3 (11/11/2024)
Sunday, October 20, 2024
I mourn for all those dying, all those who died,
None wished for the bombs,
No child asked to be in this world for this ,
No one cares , what horror we are , humans that don't care ...
Politics day in day out for some ,
Win or lose , they all play with lives...
Accursed lives to you all, the curse from all death shall follow you ,
Like your shadow , even as you slide to your sleep,
All of you , calling yourselves leaders ,
Curses onto you from the dead and the suffering ,from those who never mattered to you,
Yes each day, see those curses multiply and wrap around you , unto your very end ...
(Poem by PC-3, 10/19/2024)
Monday, October 14, 2024
Wisps of sunlight streak across the sky,
Glow of the morn is hope to mourned depths of a night,
Evanescing shreds of the dark, lost to the day,
The glow , an uplift for the weary neurons, to the body,
Smiles the leaves, glowing , still wet from yesterdays rain-shower,
All nature aglow with life , a mornings gift...
(poem by Pc-3 , 10/13/2024)
Sunday, October 13, 2024
'Known as hibakusha, the survivors of the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been recognised by the Norwegian Nobel Committee for efforts to rid the world of nuclear weapons.'
War by any name still is war,
All just suffering and misery, just despair...
There lies no path to peace ,where disconnected weapons reign,
Where rulers just parrot their few words, devoid of life,
Devoid of feeling the drones and missiles become just a game,
All on a bland screen, but the weapons do move , for the seller : all just profits,
Political games where people are again just numbers..
Be it here or there ;words do not take away the nightmares,
Do not remove the 'poothans', be it from a past life ,
Of flames creeping across the walls ,yes for this toddler,
Where you feel the sponginess in the water, in your dreams ,
You fear the water, for the doughy bodies piled ,
Of those who never had a chance , at life or at anything but death!
They were just numbers, just collateral damage ...
If only there is hope for peace, not the despair of todays and tomorrows...
(poem by Pc-3, 10/11/2024)
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Despair in time of war
War by any name still is war,
All just suffering and misery, just despair...
There lies no path to peace ,where disconnected weapons reign,
Where rulers just parrot their few words, devoid of life,
Devoid of feeling the drones and missiles become just a game,
All on a bland screen, but the weapons do move , for the seller : all just profits,
Political games where people are again just numbers..
Be it here or there ;words do not take away the nightmares,
Do not remove the 'poothans', be it from a past life ,
Of flames creeping across the walls ,yes for this toddler,
Where you feel the sponginess in the water, in your dreams ,
You fear the water, for the doughy bodies piled ,
Of those who never had a chance , at life or at anything but death!
They were just numbers, just collateral damage ...
If only there is hope for peace, not the despair of todays and tomorrows...
(poem by Pc-3, 10/11/2024)
Monday, September 23, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: The american Air
The american Air
There a moon glides across the sky, the milky way sparkling on its back,
What about this american air, rising in waves, rank , in waves,
Deep notes of sweat , of tears congealed in its depths,
Volcanic ash settles in those up drafts , fall to the earth slow,
Settles onto the jebels of Sahara,
From the leaves high up , they drip down in the Amazon,
Yet what's with this american air, still rank ,rising , shifting ,rising
Shifting with the stony land beneath, restless , untethered ,
Heavy lies its mantle on the souls , unmoors the souls into chaos ...always ...
Poem by Pc-3 ( 09/22/2024)
Sunday, August 18, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: Looking at India, looking at the past again and se...
Looking at India, looking at the past again and seeing the present...
"India's doctors strike in protest at rape and murder of colleague",
Monday, July 15, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: PTSD, another view
Sunday, July 14, 2024
PTSD, another view
I read New York Times magazine article of 'the kidnapping I cant escape by Taffy Brodesser-Akner all in one sitting- yes its very unusual for me . However if you ask me what the content really is , I may find myself somehow to be at a loss. I also read 'Diddy and me '. I felt so glad that NY times have really brought out an issue that many face , an issue that one rarely talks openly about- traumas and related responses that we use .These responses take many a shape and are nonetheless very distressing. Even those of us who go through it cannot put it into words easily... They are just there, as shadows that follow you every day even as the clarity of our days are shrouded in a mist , a mist that sometimes disorients us , some times is suffocating us as it extracts every bit of impetus for life from us... Each time as the mind swirls in it or the body itself breakdown and fights itself spewing inflammatory processes , you are left drained , confused, yet muzzled by invisible internal forces. You wish to break out, yet is left frozen incapable to act, all you do is just exist...
At least I can give the essence of what I read in the above articles at the present time .This would have been impossible just a few years ago .I may read and re-read as words existed just as a group of letters ,but devoid of context or meaning. That seems like a time so far in the past that it seems unreal to me today.
The description of inability to focus may have been one of the last bits that I had shed... I digress, I think there are remnants of all kinds of things that linger in life for me from my traumas , things that I think I have moved beyond which on occasion will still show up un -invited . I do not check my doors and windows multiple times now , but I do consciously lock it , repeating to myself what I am doing lest I really missed the all important step of locking the door .
Yes I do like to sleep with no curtains blocking the light coming in through the windows in the mornings , to welcome the day , as I say. But I do know there are secret underpinnings even for that...its so I can be aware of the outside world even as I sleep, I no longer check them every hour at night as I used to do, scanning the outdoors from the side of the shades , with a swelling anxiety and the racing heart beats drumming ever louder in my ears... I just look out once before sleep and can then be off to sleep. No more standing by the side of the curtains , peering out with lights turned off scanning for predators in the shadows and sounds.
I do not have nightmares that wake me every hour or every half hour, which is a big plus indeed. I am even able to push back at the flashbacks when they appear. The best part now is that these flash backs do not get attached to emotional under currents as in the past where I would stay frozen and my day slips away from me without any use or recall for the lost time . Now on the few occasions that these flash backs appear I have found ways to navigate away from them using some pictures or specific music pieces .I still periodically lapse into the regret mode of wasted life paths, carrier moves and all other lost possible gains that could have been. Now I am able to look at these and say 'here I am' and 'despite all things, its ok'..
I think the hardest part to shed (still struggling with it) is the feeling of guilt for all things under the sun, including the sun itself... I may feel guilty if ' the sun is shining and if its not ' as if all of this universe's moods are my fault somehow .But if I can just get a strand of humor to hold on to, then I am able to swing away from those feelings that plague me like an oozing bubo of the real plague from humanities past.
I am still not able to discard things of distress, I have them all in the basement , penciled in on the box to indicate its contents ' irrelevant-things of upsets, misery etc' and that box sits next to a box containing two things ' -old journal articles - to review when I have time' , and 'my rambling writings etc' and yet another box of ' children's drawings and writings' . My children want me to discard most of the things , they say ' at least get rid of the things that bothers you ', or 'why do you have these old journals... you can look up online for these any time , surely you know that...'
I do know that on a realistic cognitive level , yet I am not able to discard these journals. Some vestigial parts in my psyche holds on to them as there was a targeted constant attack on my reading in my past, a denial to my personhood all part of the repetitive nature of the traumas and I seem to hold on to these as if I will lose my abilities again once I throw them out . I may finally be able to do it today...As i write this I am also thinking-' what is relevance of research from the 1980's to the field today '. The reality is there , clear before me, but something keeps those boxes un touched , may be because up until recently I felt the fear of loss of 'me ' as an entity. I am more me now , but the difficulties are there spread out across the various aspects of my life and hopefully they too will loosen and fall off soon. I am hopeful as I become more of me , I will be able to discard old journals despite the fear of lost words and learning . I do not cry any more when I remember parts that were lost to me due to the psychological trauma I lived through. I do not cry when I remember playing as a child, or remember how the air smelled with a first rain in summer . I formulate coherent sentences and the words seem to flow with ease now . When I read now ,words dance on the page and become forms in my mind . I know the words and the joy of words may have been suppressed by what I endured , but I am sure what was within me and what is me is something no one could erase...
by Pc-3 (07/13/2024)
SPRKS IN CSF: PTSD, another view
Monday, June 24, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: Domestic violence
Domestic violence
As I read the NY Times piece on domestic violence' a snap shot of domestic violence spread' my first urge is to go on an educational route, next I think as a clinician would and want to write part clinical...
Here I digress and want to follow my mind and go to where it wants to go, any way that was the reason that I started the blog so long ago, to put it all on paper , to regain letters and words as I tried to re-group my mind , gather the piece-meal bits of my brain into some kind of a cohesive functional whole. I know I will never feel brilliant again, I will always seek out places to withdraw to, to hide in, to be invisible, especially when I am told how great somethings that I did is...
I will always remain wary, the invisible scars never fade .
I do not allow to be gaslighted, nor give up 'me' for some altered reality any more. I too remember calling the Domestic violence helpline , with the thought of seeking support, had called a few times from work and hung up after dialing the number, just as the shame rose in waves... I had a facade of respectability and intactness to keep and to preserve these I allowed myself to be slowly decimated.
I felt that with reasonable make up application and rational sounding explanations it could be contained , until it was no longer contained and it spilled out more and more towards the children .
As always no victim in similar situation is ready until they are ready and that is the reality .
Looking back I can see clearly , and I can project to a variety of out come possibilities 'if I had stayed' none of them have me in a living mode...
The lack of support one feels is at times real, at times it is a distortion of our perception.
When there is a gun near the bed , it is an implied threat and there is no point trying to repeat to yourself that 'you are over reacting ' to this and 'it is all in your head'. The financial control is no fiction, nor is marital rape , even when you try to rationalize it all with some religious piece or cultural practice rationale . Looking back, I realized that the subtle signs were there from those early days of marriage (thank fully those were days before any cell phones and air tags) of quizzing about your work interactions , of telling you the color of a dress that you loved is 'not good ' finding that dress you bought being have so many small cuts as you go to wear it, were all early warning signs . After all you loved that dress because it was your favorite color... they all pointed to the tsunami that was coming to swallow you as life moved ahead...
Now I know suffering domestic violence to stay married is not a measure of success, nor a virtue. I may have thought of these , but with time you were denied any thoughts... You moved , a shell , an automaton, dull and controlled , alone as your universe shrank further and further . You feared the closing of the blinds and curtains until one day you accidentally found out that an open window or door , or a neighbor ringing your door bell acts as a deterrent and so you learn to create some relief on occasion from the constant threat...
Just like some elected officials views when it comes to abortion, I was told at one point that I have to go for a late abortion, even when I and my doctor knew it is dangerous, because the father felt he has a right to a son next... Chance confluence of events helped and hence I am here to tell the story, along with the blessing of a great daughter. I feared and worried for the intergenerational transmission of abuse ,may be the post divorce stable environment I could manage helped to keep those genes from switching on... I hope so.
The threats that he will call CPS on me , the stalking , the threat to call my work and make me return to him, the threat to make me and the children live in the streets none of it ever came to be , but it made me figure out how to live with canned black beans , eggs and some leafy greens/ frozen vegetables to provide nutrition for the children. It was not long ago that I mentally prepared to live in a shelter , wearing a hoodie and dark glasses (yes, my plan so others won't recognize me at my job)thankfully never came to being . At times I think back , ever so briefly and feel I am just viewing it from the outside . I try not to dwell on what was taken from me... time, emptied out bank accounts, hid away assets , career etc , as they are irrelevant at this time as I am still alive and here for my children. After all those are just things , I am here now and that is what I have to focus on... the here , the now...
I try to move away from the past as I know it is not healthy for me to go to the past as it is bound to trigger some thing and re-start my nightmares all over again . I do not need that for me in my todays.
I can also very clearly sense the victim of domestic violence when I come across one now . I understand the defensive stands and the shame they feel as they try to hide behind their facades. It is a helpful tool for me .
by Pc-3 (06/23/2024)
Monday, June 17, 2024
The evening's slanted rays weaved their humid haze into tendrils . In those ghostly wisps were memories that never got made...
Those stray shell casings that had dented time in a corridor , they had robbed the memories along with the lives that never even had a chance for a grasp at life, nor for the memories to ever form.
The pain that jostles one awake in the ungodly hours of the night, just pulsates with the perpetuity of loss.
In the golden godly hours Robes deemed Bump stocks legal; in the corridors of virtue ,the shell casings stayed empty for they were emptied on life...lost lives... Still the Robes glistened in the gaslight, as they always did , may be more glowing with all that halo of power. There is consistency in that glow of power.
Yet the memories could never form, they never stood a chance , never could they form from an erased life... 'Tragedy' the word lost its meaning when life itself became a caricature, of all the forms in us , of us , of humans , of the whole that could not even be .
However the Robes , they changed forms, shapes, styles ,hue and the gaslight added an edge of omniscience to those robes.
Here in wandered the little ghosts, on the wispy rays of the sun that sneaked in through a window , through some slanted shutters that failed to close out the light fully...The came in there and sat in the pews where sounds of a negation echoed , negation of their lost lives, negation of their 'being', as were their rights to being were dissected ,rarified and rendered into words. They do wander , wondering if any one will remember or ever take note , like so many ghosts who wander the land on a ray of hope in the mist, will you even know they exist?
The shell casings spew out more ghosts as bump stocks connect to its destiny, a destiny of destruction...
As shell casings rain on decimating even a small hope for life, all to evanescence into ghosts, ghost we are to be...
short story by Pc-3 ( 06/16/2024)
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: To Protest
To Protest
To protest , yes a right , but more , thus defines our souls ,
They are but bleeding souls, drips , our souls ... not warring,
Not wary calculations, not the wrath of the soul less,
Our souls , feels for those , feel their torn hopes
Even as you try to erase... drips collective humanity ,
Yes we collectively feel, and it's power of all our souls...
Drips collects into a tsunami, for what is right , for all...
poem by Pc-3 (04/29/2024)
Monday, April 15, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: Henry ,the bunny
Henry ,the bunny
You are no O henry, o little bunny, nor a king henry
Your hutch your kingdom, watchfully viewing the lands beyond,,
Be that the dining table , or those who pass by the room,
A short pause when you greeted me ,yes ; through it to my bunny,
Who had passed on years ago, for a brief moment ,
Yet your fluffy self an image in my mind still, even when you breathe here no more...
poem by Pc-3 (04/14/2024)
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: Saint Navalany ...
Saint Navalany ...
I pray , to St.Navalany, along with all the new saints ,
All the new saints that go up before God , no gates barring them,
All who I beseech to, to intercede for my earthly needs , for all my wishes ...
All these so presented ,I pray for world peace too ,
Each day , so many more saints ;so many to carry my prayers ,
Yet my prayers seem stifled , saints have been all around us;
There are the martyrs, of all denominations , all regions -
Those quietly suffering , those who pray and carry on ,then to die..
All who dared to hold true to their depths, their souls ,
Those who stood up when asked to kneel, those who kneeled when asked to stand ,
All colours, creeds , all who dared , all who lit the lamps in their hearts ,
New martyrs each day , this world has given, each of saintly , yet human natures,
Courage of ethics , drives this flow to the heavens , an un-ceased flood to God ,
In our todays , in this so very modern era , they flock to the heavens ....
poem by Pc-3 (02/19/2024)
What maketh a saint- 'one who stands for what is right, despite all opposing forces, even despite one self ,for that is also a soul's courage '
SPRKS IN CSF: Saint Navalany ...
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Hind-It's a name , names that means... 'some one',
Yet names , they define one , they limits one, and we all have names ...
They are children, they are mothers, are fathers , brother, sister , some ones' some body...
We never chose who we are , how we are or where we were placed on this earth,
Yet again others want to destroy lives ... just because , just that ;for 'being'.
There are shapes, colors ,sounds , they differ ...
I pray again, oh universe, oh let the might of nature take over please ,
Yet again my prayer so the 'puny humans of war' be made to stop,
By the wrath of nature , even as all Gods sleep, for Gods an eternal coma-
Has unleashed the demons of Men, here , there and over the hills too...
Demons of men ,theirs an epilepsy with chants of ' destroy all', theirs 'god given insanity' indeed...
So I pray , Nature do what you do, so the blinded men stop their wars, please....
Poem by Pc-3 ( 02/10/2023)
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
SPRKS IN CSF: safety
I read the news about the Japan earthquake, and my thoughts just go to the uncertainty we call life ...
People of Toyama I pray that you all are safe. I also recognize that the ties that connect us come also just
by chance . My connection to Japan is primarily through my own daughter's connection and some times I
think we may have some past life connection. I felt a connection of oneness when I visited there with
my daughter who had been teaching there. There is no other way to describe the internal connection I
felt breathing in the air and feeling the murmur of the bamboos , I felt at home , felt I belonged...
Hence I also feel with the people who are now feeling the stress and anxiety. I know safety is a temporal
sense that is there , but it is a memory that comes when uncertain events take it away or disrupt it.
We forget to feel it until it gets unmoored .I hope all the people on this earth feels safety, yet mostly by
human actions that feeling gets broken , at other times Nature makes disruptions....
Sunday, December 17, 2023
SPRKS IN CSF: Moral implosion
Moral implosion
Compassion has died steady and ,slow...
In its ashes has sprouted dominance.
I breathe , all around... the moral implosion,
As breaths are extinguished...
Questions struggle askance, for quests undefined-
Yet extracting lives, strife to life's horizons,
Stars and gods gaze down insentient...
Words disconnect, they are lost to me,
Meaningless , they have become chaff now.
peace crane 3 (from july 2016,yet even more true today)
Sunday, December 10, 2023
The winds, they stir in the desert, they blow hither and thither,
Shamals sneak in to coats the days,
I rise , floats on an updraft,
Yes the wind beneath my wings have shifted,
The dust that coat me is all that is left ,
Here it smells of death, the dunes have turned...
They have become craters, and now they rust...
The updraft is just sorrow now, just sorrow is me.
the godlike ones calculate, lies for money, closed eyes ,
Not to see ,yet the sand turns red all around ...
Poem by Pc-3 (12/09/2023)
Saturday, December 2, 2023
SPRKS IN CSF: separated, at at at , tender age ...
SPRKS IN CSF: separated, at at at , tender age ...
separated, at at at , tender age ...
separated children, man-made borders,
shelter pets, crickets in a nuclear dust, cries , breaking souls,
repeat again -- hate .. .control, laws, cruelties,
gloating laughter, backtracking words, sounds, crying children,
slammed doors... Bullies, laughable notes, music, sobs...
miller got soul envy,
hates a child that's ever been loved...
suckling pigs , sati on a pyre
paper white , ink that spread don't cry -only sulk to torture,
PTSD, return of the devil...time rewind, 1985 June , rules , laws...
untouchable, female, dirty, child, closed door ,
infant cries, pediatricians rules,.. dare to disobey?..
bully by any name is still one;
bully pulpits change, titles all shift shapes...
God weeps in children, in an infant,
love is not rules, nor dunes
dictator comes in all shapes, shape shifting demons,
beguiled masses...
oh so many years, traumas shadow all a life,
dare I question, raised eye brows,
oh nurse smith, one less moment of torture for my baby...
pediatrician, president or king-all shapes,
devils adorned in shimmer, mirage, life or oil vats..
Bibles- blades to guillotines,
dark days, dark shadows swirl inwards,
sorrow seeps to coat my soul,
soulless floaters, fake gods,
north star, plastic bit ,shimmer in the sky or the seas,
universe- reflected tar in our souls' images,
death, hell, life -all iterations of the same...
consider donating -
Sunday, November 5, 2023
SPRKS IN CSF: Three religions... The three monotheistic religio...
Three religions...
The three monotheistic religions had started their life in a region that had held human thoughts in where they all breathed the same air , yet how did the minds bend and shape it to navigate life with so much venom , spitting out so much hate towards each other . They all started out their course for reducing suffering in various forms , yet they have caused and continue to cause so much suffering through out human existence .When can any human see another as just that' another human...another who share the same space and breathe the same air, will human mind evolve and advance to that position ever?
All wars have sprouted and had been grown, fed on the hate for another, fueled by religion ,and they continue to do so...
Passover, Easter, Ramadan, or for that matter any religious observances and festivals are meant for one to focus within , to make one better with hope and share burdens with one another at the soul level, but instead in its place there is a wave that crests in hatred and denigration of another within the dark corners of our minds. Instead of trying to heal the soul every religion grow their zealots who has lost their conscience, and they claim to be leaders leading with vitriol ,furthering another's suffering.
Similar decay has taken over every religion , be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or Budhism, the disruptors have worn the distortions that is convenient to them and loudly profess their great faith , charging in to spew vitriol and cause more suffering for all. The din and chaos is not conducive to a self reflection and those loud ones only want their thundering sounds to be above all else . For a moment if one were to think, none of us had a choice of where we were born, nor which religion we came into practicing, a few genes came together by chance and we came to be born into a certain family. Hence how can we claim our views to be dictated by faith , place of existence or where we happened to be
It may be too much to hope in an individual human's capacity to be reflective and uphold kindness to others and acceptance of one another during all times, but I can certainly hope. There in lies the real hope for peace and growth of compassion towards another growing from within our souls nurtured by self reflection and acceptance of what is beyond the self....
( pc-3, april 2023)
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
SPRKS IN CSF: The Day after tomorrow
The Day after tomorrow
Birds singing in the trees,
And flowers dancing in the sun;
Today, I wake, and go to work.
Carry my day in routines,
Tomorrow I balk and stare,
Into the day after,
The day after tomorrow, I see,
I see the future,
I see it all crumble and shift,
All my future children,
Crumble into civilization's demise,
I see the day after tomorrow,
Rising into oblivion;
All life and time glide and lurch away,
All into the great oblivion, oblivious all still...
Into the day after tomorrows...
(poem by Pc3--01/30/2017)
Thursday, October 26, 2023
There are no winners in a war ...........
Just grief and misery...............................
Prayers and tears ripple ,
Lives torn asunder......, "..."
....no winners ever in a war......
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Care ?
Numbers and letters, names and assigned tribes , groups, sections , lost in these ,we are faced with the loss of human nature within us. It all fall into some words , illustrious descriptions , all for war lingo...
The news media goes about vying with each other as to who and how sensational any tragedy can be made for consumption. Lack of care for the suffering of people must not be the criteria by which the ratings and hence the profits are measured, but that is how the caring news business runs.
Just the same way that political rantings go as well. But above all the humans are forgotten . The people did not choose to be born either Christian, Muslim or Jewish .The new born baby got the stickers placed on him or her , just by chance in the lottery called life. His or her life got placed on whichever geographical place it happened upon. The color of their skins got colored by the rate of melanocytes that was another slot on this lottery system. A few genetic material got mixed together and came into being , however the ones that create suffering and war have their agenda and the human beings who chanced to be at a certain place is left with only suffering .
There is never anything right about any war, just what is left...a lot of suffering , a lot of humans who did not choose .. all left to suffer... and the utter despair knowing that 'no one cares'... no gods, no countries , no loud ones Then it all become but days.. long days of just quiet sobs, of children and slow whimper of destitution. just despair...Each morning the sun sighs into being and the heat of despair look on the days, giving way to nights of unimaginable losses.....endless days where no one cares and no care can mend the broken...
Monday, October 16, 2023
SPRKS IN CSF: to Mourn
to Mourn
Words have lost their sounds, in a vacuum they simply float,
Soundless words , emptied they search, for heart...
Comfort and Despair , paired to the same life,
Man -why do thee curse life , with all emptiness,
Why do thee make life so unbearable , just so... to prove you can?...
poem by PC-3 (10/15/23)
Thursday, October 12, 2023
SPRKS IN CSF: Three religions... The three monotheistic religio...
Saturday, July 15, 2023
SPRKS IN CSF: 'Anon' at Gilgo
SPRKS IN CSF: 'Anon' at Gilgo
'Anon' at Gilgo
"support the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women."....
Most Femicides occur in the homes, femicide the ultimate violence against women