Thursday, February 6, 2025

How to deal with some - at times

 I am not sure I am the one to opine on the matter, but I see all around me people going about like   zombies , fear seeping out of their staring eyes. 

What I have surmised is very limited, but so far in the many encounters with Bullies, I have seen them wither when there comes some unlikely resistance. For example try it sometime and see them wither . I guess they like to sound big and tough but inside they are uncertain , especially due to their lack of any speck of  honor or integrity.

Think of a narcissist, they like to be applauded for everything . Hence when they bully and encounter resistance of being scrutinized by the public instead of being adored , they withdraw . That's when the gaslighting starts in earnest ... from that  inherent need for applause.

Some times the sycophants' provide that applause , but still the worst  for them of course is public scrutiny, and not being considered powerful or great by the others... 

Now it is time to push back against the bullies , not to be afraid, not to cower , nor to be taken by the lies or dazzle flashed before you .

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