Saturday, February 22, 2025

What next?

 Every moment is swollen, pregnant  with the potential of what comes after... a big question of each present moment is , "what next". Yet the stirring of uncertainty is its own  next ploy, that's how the stirrer  of mists and mirrors function , they do it all in the spirit of gas lighting . 

But we all have to remember when faced with the swirling gas lights  what Hannah Arendt said, "No body has the right to obey".

We really have to remember that it is our duty  to "not obey" as these dictums directed us is in contradiction to what is right. The internal ethical guide directs us to oppose when a rule or directive is an effort to subjugate all ethical reason. Hence every body has that  right to 'not obey' a directive ,when it is  just plain wrong .

So what next ...hear  what your soul says , listen to that conscience  and do what is right, what is just .

It takes a bit of effort than to just float along , but  it is all well worth that effort.

by Pc-3(02/21/2025) 

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