Tuesday, February 25, 2025

SPRKS IN CSF: Lone mouse

SPRKS IN CSF: Lone mouse:  The lone mouse skitted  into the hall, Sprayed his  odors  and veered to the right ,  Turned on his head  and took a spin, Into  the little...

Lone mouse

 The lone mouse skitted  into the hall,

Sprayed his  odors  and veered to the right , 

Turned on his head  and took a spin,

Into  the little box he turned, 

Glowing cheese beckoned , even when he couldn't ,

Not another morsel said his head, 

But he spun to the cheese, greed knows no bounds,

 Not that you see things while  standing like a top,

Spinning to the cheese globe he went ,

His fat gut pressed against the walls, 

Stuck in its imprisoned walls, 

Trapped by greed , the lone mouse glares ,

His red eyes  stare , hope into submission may be... 

Yet the greed spills soon, green spewed on the marble floors...

Poem by Pc-3 (02/24/2025)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

SPRKS IN CSF: What next?

SPRKS IN CSF: What next?:  Every moment is swollen, pregnant  with the potential of what comes after... a big question of each present moment is , "what next...

What next?

 Every moment is swollen, pregnant  with the potential of what comes after... a big question of each present moment is , "what next". Yet the stirring of uncertainty is its own  next ploy, that's how the stirrer  of mists and mirrors function , they do it all in the spirit of gas lighting . 

But we all have to remember when faced with the swirling gas lights  what Hannah Arendt said, "No body has the right to obey".

We really have to remember that it is our duty  to "not obey" as these dictums directed us is in contradiction to what is right. The internal ethical guide directs us to oppose when a rule or directive is an effort to subjugate all ethical reason. Hence every body has that  right to 'not obey' a directive ,when it is  just plain wrong .

So what next ...hear  what your soul says , listen to that conscience  and do what is right, what is just .

It takes a bit of effort than to just float along , but  it is all well worth that effort.

by Pc-3(02/21/2025) 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

SPRKS IN CSF: Time to act- it is NOW

SPRKS IN CSF: Time to act- it is NOW:  I watch the evolving circus that is all about creation of wealth for some and suffering for others. The average person did not come into th...

Time to act- it is NOW

 I watch the evolving circus that is all about creation of wealth for some and suffering for others. The average person did not come into this world any where they happened upon by their choosing, such as  the   place they landed  at, the circumstance they  happened into ...none of it is by their choice  but by mere chance conglomeration of events called  birth, or the life events that led them to be  that  "average person" .  

The financial dispositions available to them , being thrown away by those who gloat in their  own powers, be it monitory power or  just other  forms of controlling powers,  I think are not able to fathom the life and thoughts of the average person , hence they are trying squeeze further and further in their need for control, in their greed for power , yet they have forgotten one little detail- from the time when humanity came into existence onwards he power balances have shifted periodically and the average person acted and re-set  the balance . There were  times of struggles, not easy times for the  average person and all others , yet it shifted things and made the re-sets into being.

Now is the time to act for the average person  like me and all other average persons. There is might in the collective and when the need for protests  come up , as now , it is time to collectively protest. The shift has to happen before the rot settles any further , it is for upholding the right to question ethical violations, the right to have the freedoms , freedom of speech ,freedom to have an honest living , even when the powers be want to undo all the freedoms . This is the time to act  , through the democratic processes, through our protests along with all and any legal recourses that can be done. .

It is the time to look within  ourselves and stand with Democracy, Over and  above everything, this is the time to march together , to protest in unison...Yes it is time to act Now...

Peace crane 3(02/15/25)

SPRKS IN CSF: SPRKS IN CSF: The Day after tomorrow

SPRKS IN CSF: SPRKS IN CSF: The Day after tomorrow: SPRKS IN CSF: The Day after tomorrow : Yesterday I dreamt of the coming of spring, Birds singing in the trees, And flowers dancing in the...

Friday, February 7, 2025

SPRKS IN CSF: It's so beutiflu, so great

SPRKS IN CSF: It's so beutiflu, so great:  Its like magic, few scribbles, no language , No  need for words , when its all shiny and smart, I say, therefor it is , as it really is , s...

Thursday, February 6, 2025

It's so beutiflu, so great

 Its like magic, few scribbles, no language ,

No  need for words , when its all shiny and smart,

I say, therefor it is , as it really is , so great...

No more diseases, If you don't see, then isn't it beautiflu  indeed..

Words and plans ,never smart, 

Louder, shinier , behold such beauty, in Mica and  muscovite,

Such beauty , big and beautiflu,  

With such beautiflu ,why  educate... 

Such smart no needs , no illnesses, no need for any checks,

Food, water , air , all just like a day , like ozone gaps...

Sunrise and sunsets , so great, indeed it  can be better too,

All so great, with greatness no queries need be there,

It is all magical Mica, Its so beautiflu, oh so great as never before ...

Oh so great, oh so beautiflu...

Poem by PC-3 (02/05/2025)

SPRKS IN CSF: How to deal with some - at times

SPRKS IN CSF: How to deal with some - at times:  I am not sure I am the one to opine on the matter, but I see all around me people going about like   zombies , fear seeping out of their st...

How to deal with some - at times

 I am not sure I am the one to opine on the matter, but I see all around me people going about like   zombies , fear seeping out of their staring eyes. 

What I have surmised is very limited, but so far in the many encounters with Bullies, I have seen them wither when there comes some unlikely resistance. For example try it sometime and see them wither . I guess they like to sound big and tough but inside they are uncertain , especially due to their lack of any speck of  honor or integrity.

Think of a narcissist, they like to be applauded for everything . Hence when they bully and encounter resistance of being scrutinized by the public instead of being adored , they withdraw . That's when the gaslighting starts in earnest ... from that  inherent need for applause.

Some times the sycophants' provide that applause , but still the worst  for them of course is public scrutiny, and not being considered powerful or great by the others... 

Now it is time to push back against the bullies , not to be afraid, not to cower , nor to be taken by the lies or dazzle flashed before you .

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


SPRKS IN CSF: Shadows:  This shadow follows me everywhere,  I see it extend from my feet , twist and turn, With every turn  I make... I fear this shadow , fear its...


 This shadow follows me everywhere, 

I see it extend from my feet , twist and turn,

With every turn  I make...

I fear this shadow , fear its intention,

Fear it is stalking me , quietly , 

Readying to pounce on me , 

Planning to  devour me , is it joining,

Joining with all those wispy shadows,

I fear this shadow, I fear its not really mine , 

Not the one I knew...

This land stretches dry, devoid , its air rank , 

Has it poisoned my shadow too, 

Just like those wisps  that float by,

Wisps of some conscience shredded of its substance ... 

Poem by Pc-3 (02/03/2025)

Sunday, February 2, 2025


SPRKS IN CSF: RESIST:  In these past few days of sowed chaos (Kaos) despondency and withdrawing from the day is an automatic response for us humans. Then,  you re...


 In these past few days of sowed chaos (Kaos) despondency and withdrawing from the day is an automatic response for us humans.

Then,  you realize....  succumbing to a bully is not an option  for LIFE.

You vaguely remember some terms, such as 'pen down strike'. Even with the 'almost all fake , non fact checked  world' you look up the term and realize these were real modes  of non violent resistance . There is 'pen down strike, work to rule strike , non spending strike'  etc. 

The 'non spending strike' appeals to me , something I can do...or at least try to. My own option is possibly just a dream but I know I will get better at it the more I try. I hope it will put a lighter carbon foot print on the earth, however small it is it matters. I know I will be able to stick with it , buying only what I really need... not all those wants that seep in, dancing into the corners of our minds , drawing us in, just to boost the cash flow for the already cash swollen companies and industries that thrive just on their cancerous greed , especially now fed by a bully that loves his twirl of chaos and all the attention these  twirls  bring him. I some times wonder if they will all twirl out of this earth's gravity , especially at the ever increasing speed of these twirls.

Any way I shall try it , starting today as I look at the sun starting its journey in the East, as it did even before any of us came into the random places on earth that we happened upon . When the day again wears me down( as I expect for all of the near future days) I shall focus on the earth's gravity and the sun that will rise again.

I may have  had an urge to remain muted , but I decided  that I have to speak and act. I cannot go against what I am or how am , its in my genes to speak and act against injustice . One of my earliest memory was that , so how can be quiet at this time of  multiplied injustices that I see surround me here and farther away, the cancerous insidious infiltration of the injustices into everything all over .

All of us can do some things to RESIST   , its just each person have to look deep within their souls to see this  and the ways to do it. It means think , it means don't get fooled by vacuous words floated to you , it means a liar will remain a liar , a bully will always be one ,even when the shimmer around their acts change, it means every one can definitely  find their own ways including  "work to rule strike, spend less strike , do not resign strike etc. and other nonviolent ways to continue to resist that will have  the collective effect. The sun rise each day brings hope with its slanting rays to this earth, hence let's get those rays of hope and Resist...  

by Pc-3 (02/01/2025)