Sunday, December 17, 2023

SPRKS IN CSF: Moral implosion

SPRKS IN CSF: Moral implosion: Ethics lay by the wayside, Compassion has died steady and ,slow... In its ashes has sprouted dominance. I breathe , all around... the mo...

Moral implosion

Ethics lay by the wayside,
Compassion has died steady and ,slow...
In its ashes has sprouted dominance.
I breathe , all around... the moral implosion,
As breaths are extinguished...
Questions  struggle askance, for quests undefined-
Yet extracting lives, strife to life's horizons,
 Stars and gods gaze down insentient...
Words  disconnect, they are lost to me,
Meaningless , they have become chaff now.

peace crane 3 (from july 2016,yet even more true today)

Sunday, December 10, 2023


SPRKS IN CSF: Winds: The winds, they stir in the desert, they blow hither and thither,  Shamals sneak in  to coats the days, I rise , floats on an updraft,  Yes ...


The winds, they stir in the desert, they blow hither and thither,

 Shamals sneak in  to coats the days,

I rise , floats on an updraft, 

Yes the wind beneath my wings have  shifted, 

The dust that coat me is  all that is left ,

Here it smells of death, the dunes have turned...

They have become craters, and now they  rust...

The updraft is just sorrow now, just sorrow is me.

the godlike ones calculate, lies for money, closed eyes ,

Not  to see ,yet the sand turns red all around ...

Poem by Pc-3 (12/09/2023)

Saturday, December 2, 2023

SPRKS IN CSF: separated, at at at , tender age ...

SPRKS IN CSF: separated, at at at , tender age ...: words, sounds separated children,  man-made borders, shelter pets, crickets in a nuclear dust, cries , breaking souls, repeat again -- h...

SPRKS IN CSF: separated, at at at , tender age ...

SPRKS IN CSF: separated, at at at , tender age ...: words, sounds separated children,  man-made borders, shelter pets, crickets in a nuclear dust, cries , breaking souls, repeat again -- h...

separated, at at at , tender age ...

words, sounds
separated children,  man-made borders,
shelter pets, crickets in a nuclear dust, cries , breaking souls,
repeat again -- hate .. .control, laws, cruelties,
gloating laughter, backtracking words, sounds, crying children,
slammed doors... Bullies, laughable notes, music, sobs...
miller got soul envy,
hates a child that's ever been loved...
suckling pigs , sati on a pyre
paper white , ink that spread don't cry -only sulk to torture,
PTSD, return of the devil...time rewind, 1985 June , rules , laws...
untouchable, female, dirty, child, closed door ,
infant cries, pediatricians rules,.. dare to disobey?..
bully by any name is still one;
bully pulpits change, titles all shift shapes...
God weeps in children, in an infant,
love is not rules, nor dunes
dictator comes in all shapes, shape shifting demons,
beguiled masses...
oh so many years, traumas shadow all a life,
dare I question, raised eye brows,
oh nurse smith, one less moment of torture for my baby...
pediatrician, president or king-all shapes,
devils adorned in shimmer, mirage, life or oil vats..
Bibles- blades to guillotines,
dark days, dark shadows swirl inwards,
sorrow seeps to coat my soul,
soulless floaters, fake gods,
north star, plastic bit ,shimmer in the sky or the seas,
universe- reflected tar in our souls' images,
death, hell, life -all iterations of the same...

'I don't recall what triggered this poem, but  the content was a deep sadness for the cruelty meted out to my children by their father, especially my child born in 1985 with rules seperating him from me - his mother , yet was saved briefly by Nurse smith. I don't remember her first name , just glad she came by when she came to see  her consultant pediatrician's new baby ... the little miracles that happen even in the midst of hell called life , these are what one is thankful for ....wanted to put it out here as i recalled that miracle"