Sunday, October 22, 2023

Care ?

  Numbers and letters, names and assigned tribes , groups,  sections , lost in these ,we are faced with the loss of human nature within us. It all fall into some words , illustrious  descriptions , all for war lingo...

The news media goes about vying with each other  as to who and how sensational any tragedy can be made for consumption. Lack of care for the suffering of people  must not be the criteria by which the ratings and hence the profits are measured, but that is how the caring news business runs. 

Just the same way that  political rantings go as well. But above all the humans are forgotten . The people did not choose to be born either Christian, Muslim or Jewish .The new born baby got the stickers placed on him or her , just by chance in the lottery called life. His or her life got placed on whichever geographical place it happened upon. The color of their skins got colored by the rate of melanocytes that was another slot on this lottery system. A few genetic material got mixed together and came into being , however the ones that create suffering  and war have their agenda and the human beings  who chanced to be at a certain place is left with  only suffering . 

There  is never anything right about any war, just what is left...a lot of suffering , a lot of humans who did not choose .. all left to suffer... and the utter despair knowing that  'no one cares'... no gods, no countries , no loud  ones Then it  all become  but days.. long days of  just quiet sobs, of children and slow whimper of destitution. just despair...Each morning the sun  sighs into being  and the heat of despair look on the days, giving  way to nights of  unimaginable losses.....endless days where no one cares  and no care can mend the broken...  

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