Wednesday, June 20, 2018

SPRKS IN CSF: Then,there...

SPRKS IN CSF: Then,there...: There, stare hard, into a morning... There, the sun still rises, but where?  Then, is it my eyes that sees, or my dreaming senses;  Then...

SPRKS IN CSF: SPRKS IN CSF: separated , at at ,at tender age......

SPRKS IN CSF: SPRKS IN CSF: separated , at at ,at tender age......: SPRKS IN CSF: separations : words, sounds separated children,  man-made borders, shelter pets, crickets in a nuclear dust, cries , breaki...

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

SPRKS IN CSF: separated , at at ,at tender age...

SPRKS IN CSF: separations: words, sounds separated children,  man-made borders, shelter pets, crickets in a nuclear dust, cries , breaking souls, repeat again -- h...

Friday, June 1, 2018

SPRKS IN CSF: Pardons-for sale?

SPRKS IN CSF: Pardons-for sale?: Pardons for sale?...perhaps What depends, doesn't it ... The bell tolls, but for when, for whom,where? Who chooses the que...

Pardons-for sale?

Supreme court tolls loud, but who are you ,
To give a right to defile , God's own temple?
Who indeed to get numbers up  , then again for whom ?
For satan or at heaven's gate ?, or both ??
All  fools run to pack the brick temples ,
To lay bare soul's temples ,to be ravaged , for corona ?
Dare you now in the dark of power , blindly purport
Sacredness , light and God ... all gods just names ,
Knell the death toll to sense,
Bodies lay here  heaped ,past all effort to get a breath  in ,
Suffering- all in 'God's name'?...oh dear God have mercy ,
For them who unleashed this misery , with their crosses and robes as wepons ,
And us all , who suffer beneath that curse ,
Prayer for ND and jenkins too, they are lost, all just  praise  to power 
Blinded to light  and sans sense or compassion ,
Money changers of today , they all defile humanity...