Trayvon Martin’s death had brought notice to a social divide
that permeates our lives all around,creeping silently to lean towards
divisions; ignoring the real issues. Life at times feel sidelined, so also the losses... Alas, mostly the losses are lost to most , a fading sets in except for a few, where the incomprehensible loss remains forever .
Much before this Tarek/Mohammad Bouazizi died in Sidi Bouzod – a nondescript market far
from the bustle of any city, far removed from Tunis. Yet this single event
moved onwards to a cascade of changes, change to a social set up that silently
grew invading society, one
which grew into shatter divided social spaces and divisive policies.
The weave and heft of the social fabric had come undone, but
this unfurling was quiet, staying inside thoughts until it erupted in to the injustices that grew unchecked.
As the fog swirls in from the sound, curling around my
wheels, moving in to envelop the land, I cannot stop thinking of lives lost, others
crushed, all striving to become
something in the set ways that is
portrayed as perfect, yet (in reality)so far from it… I see Trayvon Martin’s life as a
small ember, as it ignites change-change hopefully in the right direction, to
honor and value all life, lives for being , just being , become true to ourselves and thus to others, beyond easy
divisive leanings. May be this effort to
look within into our own biases will then move us, each a little closer to strive for the real perfect.