Monday, April 18, 2011

into fiction

into fiction
I have been re-reading the book, Nairobi to Shenzen,  the act of re- reading a book gives it a different glow and slant.It appears that each time there is a shift in a character's behaviors, you kind of see yet more nuances, wether intended or not. The first time around it was a quick read, with a  mantle of troubles, of lives, and such. I have come to the point where  time tears apart lives, shredding  all seccure feelings in its wake. It is un-canny that this seem to occur,wether in a book or in real lives at that point of a day when most people are at their deepest in sleep .That is when  the violent gets active . Since then, I have closely heard and recalled similarities. May be there is something to that hour between 3 am and 4 am.May be it has to do with Melatonin level differences in the two groups of people, may be the greivences of life seem to come to spill over into an explosive state at that time for the aggressor. The sad part is there is no escape for the victim at that wake up confused and can't even put a pre-planned avoidance or escape into a coherent act. If this is all a correlate of Melatonin cycle, then it is like you are from two differing worlds, with such a differences in your hormone systems, as well.-ie. all systems--adrenaline, insulins, sugars ...all on different planes. Probably the SupraChiasmatic Nucleus's inherant oscillations determins our lives, only it is not just my SCN, but those of others .
As a child my fear of monsters and such were for that witching hour.The scary stories by those around you did not help. Thank god they were not gory, like those doing the circuits in the American childhood now. The owls hooted around that time and all scary stories collapsed into that pre dawn time. The night dwellers(rakshsas)were out preying on unsuspecting sleeping forms of day beings...all portrayed as good or bad,no grey zones there . I guess the awareness of danger lurking in the dark,with dark forms prowling , be they ghostly or real always  crests in that pre-dawn hour. It is easier to accept the night prowlers in the animal world as the natural order you come to understand.The morning brings the visual ,sometimes even good food,-chicken or duck.There is a certain safety when it is clear and  natural  to you.
But in your adult  home, it collapses you into a frozen being , immobile awaiting execution, to be re-done over and over...There again the real victims are the children who carry a lifelong burden, hardening their weight with each step.

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