Saturday, April 2, 2011

Autism--a language lost in translation?

Autism--a language lost in translation?
My first encounter with an autistic person had  bewildered me.My thoughts of that time is too blurry for recall. It could have been confusion on my part, for what I thought were actions with no purpose; a script to a play I did not understand. Locked in  is probably  another way to describe, eventhough that would not be accurate,but close. This being autism awareness month, I figure there are many efforts to help, and understand. Over time, I have come to understand that each person with a diagnosis of autism, has their own personality , not to forget that there is a wide array of severity...differing gradations and colors to the specteum .Differing events , a lot more than on average,is stress ful. The difficulty is not knowing what, or when in the past a thorn of stress really pierced into that mind.. To discount each individualist actions, to just group them to a diagnosis or catogory is to forget the individual, yet plays in to the biases we have assimilated over our time . To reassess our thoughts and ideas, especially as they do not fit a mold is after all necessary for progress, in the real sense.
I for one is trying now to understand the nuances of a languge locked away,long forgotten to be recovered, focusing on the person, who may feel just as stuck as I am. Still we connect, just that it is at different planes, sometimes parellal ones. Every little meeting point beyond the stuck , brings with it a sense of hope .

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